I was browsing through Facebook trying to see which pictures I could "borrow."
Then it occurred to me that the Lord has blessed me immensely. I mean, He's always blessed me, but this year I supposed it's kind of different. I am thinking of all the ministry opportunities He's allowed me to be a part of.
I originally came to South Korea just to be the 4th grade teacher at ACA. But I quickly found out that teaching 4th grade would not be the only thing I did. I became involved in teaching the Middle School and High School girls' Bible study alongside some other teachers. That was such a challenge and still is, but it is a huge blessing. What has been truly amazing is watching the girls grow in their relationships with the Lord. The fact that He would allow me to not only see that, but that He would allow me to be a part of that just blows me away.
Then in 2011, I went on my first ever short term missions trip. I was ridiculously blown away by everything I experienced in the Philippines and the amount of preparation that went into the trip. Not only did I learn so much, I was ready to drop everything and move to the Philippines to become a full time missionary! Then in 2012, we returned again, and I realized that while I loved it there God's place for me was in South Korea.
Also in 2011, my principal, who had a Korean church, started an English service as well. He asked us to be a part of serving there. How could I not? It has been a blessing to serve in different ways there.
But one thing he really wanted was for our church to be a part of a lot of outreach and missions (which I love!! :). First, we started going to a local orphanage which is amazing. It does make me realize the need for me to learn Korean, though. Playing with the kids is one thing, but a stronger bond can be better formed through language.
Then we started a ministry where we go out to the local clubs and bars to reach out to the girls who work there. That has changed my life. This is not something I would ever ever do on my own. God has placed these girls in my heart, and I love to serve them.
Relatively recently, we became aware of our own "red light" street here in Dongducheon. We so want to reach out to those girls and rescue them from the yoke of slavery that hangs around their neck. While they may be there voluntarily (or not, we are not sure of their circumstances), they are still in slavery to sin. We want them to know that this is not the only way and YHWH loves them and has hope to offer them and wants to break their chains. Now unlike the clubs, we can't just walk into this area, but being able to pray for them has been such a privilege and I feel like God has put such a burden on my heart for them, a HEAVY burden.
There are a million bazillion other things going on. To be honest it is easy to get bogged down without depending on the strength of Jesus. But He sustains me and I'm still here. I'm astounded that He chooses to use me.
26 Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 1
Anything I'm doing right now and anything I have right now is because He's doing it and because He's given it to me. I have to be reminded of that constantly. I start to rely on myself and the things of this world rather than the creator and the giver of all good things. Praise God that He is allowing me to be a part of the work He is doing in South Korea.
El Salve... this time YOU made me cry! I love hearing how you just say "yes" to everything, everywhere God calls you. God is so good and your obedience inspires me.
That passage rocks - it is the only thing that makes me serving Him make sense ;)
Praying for you sister <3 love you
Awwww Katie! at least I assume it's Katie ;) I can only say yes because He gives me the strength. He equips me. He also encourages me through people like you and your family. You all said "yes" in a huge way, and that is amazing example to me.
Love you and praying for you!
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