Sunday, August 30, 2015


We started back to school, well almost.  We teachers came back and did some cleaning of the outside of the school.  Monsoon season has hit Korea kind of hard, and the plants are growing like weeds! Does that even make sense?  It's definitely a jungle out there.  So on our first day back, we worked outside sweeping, cutting back weeds and picking up dead branches that had fallen from the trees due to high winds and rain.
It was a great workout especially after not doing much of any physical activity all summer.  It certainly helped me to sleep that night!

The rest of that day and the following day I spent cleaning up and kind of reorganizing my classroom.  It wasn't easy.  I have accumulated so much junk over the past 5 years.  I filled up more than half of a huge garbage bag with trash.  Sometimes, being over here, I want to say that I need to keep things because you never know when you will need it.  But in the end, if I haven't used it in 5 years, it's not going to happen.  Purging is a pretty good thing.  I didn't finish doing all that I'd wanted to just because of time and jet lag, but there is plenty of time in the school year ahead to throw more stuff away!
This summer I was so busy, there wasn't any time to miss being away from the classroom.  So at first I wasn't really excited about being back.  I wasn't upset about it either, but I don't have those returning to school excited feelings.  Little by little, though, I'm starting to feel it.  It's going to be good :)


Brenda said...

Missing you my friend. It's hard to remember you are morning when I am night and so on. Even harder to wait for replies to msg's and stuff. Love you friend, keep smiling to show the love of God in your heart to everyone you meet.

Brenda said...

Missing you my friend. It's hard to remember you are morning when I am night and so on. Even harder to wait for replies to msg's and stuff. Love you friend, keep smiling to show the love of God in your heart to everyone you meet.

Steph said...

Awesome!! Miss greeting you at church on Sundays. I hope you have a great school year this fall!!

Steph said...

Awesome!! Miss greeting you at church on Sundays. I hope you have a great school year this fall!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Brenda! I miss you too! I will try to message you and skype you soon!

Unknown said...

Aw Stephanie, I'm so glad we have started talking to each other, even if it is only through social media! Haha :) Thanks for the well wishes, and I hope you have a great year with your kids!