Monday, October 30, 2006

elementary school


Okay anyone who knows me knows that I hate taking pictures let alone letting others see me, but oh well.

Me and my mom on my birthday

me and Brenda at the concert

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Just Me Report

On Thursday was possibly the best concert I have ever been to. It was Mercy Me, Audio Adrenaline and Phil Wickham. It was a part of Audio Adrenaline's last tour. The lead singer is having problems with his vocal cords, so they are breaking up the band. All I have to say is that they ROCK!! Oh I also have to say that I wish I had discovered them many years ago so I could have possibly seen more of their concerts. I was dancing, singing and screaming. I had such a good time. Then that night I went out with some of the youth and this girl Luana from my church. She is about my age. I wasn't gonna go because I needed to study for a spanish test the next morning, but I went anyway. We had so much fun! The next morning I took my test and I think I did pretty well, Praise God!!!!! So for the rest of the morning I was on high on life, even though I hadn't showered to make more time for studying, and I forgot my purse, and I couldn't find my debit card, and they keep screwing up my schedule at work. I was praising God. I knew, however, that the fall would come, and I wondered if I would still be praising God. Well the rest of yesterday was pretty much wasted and by the end of today I am tired and supremely glad the day is over. I won't go into details, but I can tell you today was pretty bad. So did I worship God even in the storm? Well through about 3/4 of the day I would say yes. As I was on my home from work I even managed a smile on my face and to sing a beautiful song to God. Later on I can't say I was in the best of moods, and I started to let it show. It is a little discouraging but the good part of today shows me that through God I have truly come a long day. From the beginning of yesterday morning until today I would have been a horrible person to put up with. But God is working His wonderful work making me stronger for the big struggles ahead.

Anyhoo. I will be posting pictures from the concert later!!!! Bye ya'll.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Today has been a pretty hard day for me. From time to time throughout my life I find myself getting into these "moods". I don't want to do anything and I feel completely sorry for myself. I suppose it could be some kind of depression. I'm not sure. I try to pull myself out of it and instead of running to God I find myself running away from Him and to food or movies or anything that I can use as an escape. The really bad part is that I don't give it to God, but also I have a past of using drugs and alcohol to escape. I still am trying to run away instead of face my problems. I suppose by composing this blog I am trying to deal with the "problem".

Today the problem is that I feel a bit undesirable. Ok so I feel a lot that way. I see many men who look at my physical attributes, my chest, my butt, etc. However, no one seems to be interested in me. No one seems to want to know more about me. The only person who I have any hope in chooses to be many miles away. Now I must say that there are extenuating circumstances in his situation. But I just can't shake this. There has been one interested person since this other person left, but he has decided that I am not the one, but someone else is. This is fine for me because this person doesn't have the most desirable personality. Also it's just that I watch as other guys actually seek girls out and want to talk to them and spend time with them. Why doesn't anyone want to do that with me? What's wrong with me?

Today I believe that God would have me realize that I must depend on Him and Him alone. My spiritual side says yes that is all you need! My fleshly side says I want more. It's funny because I feel like an oddball. I suppose working at a new job can do that. Although I have made acquaintances with many. But what I have been hearing a lot is that we are not to look like this world. We should not fit in easily. I understand this in my head, I just need it to fall down to my heart. I have friends who love me and need me. I guess I run away from them because they need me to support them because they go through so many problems. I feel like I can only fall back on God. Of course that is the way it is supposed to be. The problem is that I'm lonely. I feel like everyone else has their life in full swing. They know what they're doing and they know what's in store for them. I know this isn't really true, but when you're alone a lot all there is are the voices in your head. Granted these may be your own voices but they are there. I'm just lonely.....

Monday, October 16, 2006


Well I am very happy to say my ipod and itunes are in sync! Some would say "big deal, they're supposed to be anyway". Well for the longest time mine were not. I had reformatted my computer (or whatever it is you do, when you erase everything and start over from new). I am sad to say that I had not backed up any of the programs on the computer other than the standard stuff you have to do when you first get the computer or what already comes with it. Anyhoo. I lost all my songs on itunes and was afraid if I plugged the ipod onto the computer I would lose all my stuff. Although this would have never had happened I was convinced of it. So luckily I had bought a charging system that would plug into the wall and into the car. So I did some research on Apple's sight in the discussion panel. They talked about this one thing called yamipod. I tried it out and either I couldn't figure it out or it wasn't intended for what I wanted to use it. So then I found this other program called PodUtility, or something like that. With a little help from an article from the ipod lounge I was able to take all the songs off my ipod and put it on to itunes! Success! Yes! But then, oh no! I kept getting this message that there was like 38 errors, and these songs were not authorized to be played on this computer. I was so bummed. I could understand if I had illegally gotten this stuff then ok. But one of the major cds I couldn't access was one I bought and manually imported onto itunes. So I saw the cd on itunes and I clicked on one of the songs just to see what would happen. So apparently all I had to do was enter my itunes password and it was all good! Yes! Thank you Jesus! The only thing is that the program I used is like a demo or something and they want registration and eventually payment. Right now funds are in the red so sorry. I hope it doesn't screw with anything. Well that is my long harrowing tale!

Monday, August 28, 2006


Well here I am. It's been a week since my wonderful vacation. As much as I enjoyed it though, I am glad to be back. I'm glad to get back to the normal routine. There is safety in that i suppose. I love knowing what's gonna happen next. Don't get me wrong. Driving 12 hours by myself was sort of invigorating, adventurous and maturing. Through this trip God has taught me that I don't need anyone but Him. For too long I have relied on others for opinions, guidance, etc. I do believe that God leads us through others, but I also believe that sometimes we just need to listen to Him and no one else. He does know everything that was, is and is yet to come. It's called being omniscient I do believe. Anyhoo, this is my little diddy for the day. Thanks for reading. :)

P.S. I hope you all enjoy the links.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


...yet another...

pretty good artist

please click on the above links to hear some good music (*___*)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Frustration, Frustration.

Well the summer semester of school is coming to an end, THANK GOD! Not that I haven't enjoyed the challenge and actually having to think, but I'm just plain tired. Then, less than a month later the fall semester will begin and here we go again. I know God wants me to be a teacher. When He first told me that, had I known the path I would be taking, I don't think I would have done it. It's not bad enough for me to quit, but at the time my spiritual and intellectual maturity were not at the place that they are now. I'm not saying I am some spiritual and/or intellectual giant. It's just that having to go through each and every little thing (sometimes one at a time and sometimes more than that) has given me a tough skin so to speak. He has never given me more than I can handle. I, on the other hand, have taken things into my own hands and piled too much on. Of course He helped me to get through that, too. When I first started my journey to becoming a teacher, I was excited. I genuinely loved going to school, and I still do to some to degree. However, dealing with all of the politics and hassles at the school has been tough. It's like they say though: "It's better to be with Jesus in the middle of the storm than it is to be without Him in the calm," or something like that. Who is they? They are the universal they, responsible for everything. Ok, so I'm kidding. Anyhoo, back to what I was saying. I love being challenged in school, and once again I follow the pattern in my other blogs: complain, complain, complain. However, I hope it can be seen that I do rely on Jesus, and it is because of Him that my situations are resolved. :)

On a side note: I recommend that everybody see the movie The End of the Spear, and the accompanying documentary Beyond the Gates of Splendor.

Now I know if anyone is actually reading this, the college student has made some grammatical errors. I beg your forgiveness and offer the excuse that it is late and I am tired. ;)

Thanks for reading.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Why is it....?

Why is it that I love attention from guys? I used to be really promiscuous, but thank God I am not anymore. I will not be returning to that lifestyle, but I love to flirt and I love it when guys pay attention to me. Knowing that this is one of my weaknesses, I must turn my attention to God and pray about it. He took away drugs, drinking, smoking and promiscuity from me. Now from time to time I may feel like having a drink, but only like one. I may feel like smoking every now and again, but I pray about it and God gives me the strength to get over the craving. I know that He can help me get through this, too.
The problem I have that is related to this is that I really really miss my ex boyfriend right now. Is it because I want to be with him and truly miss him, or is it because I want the attention he used to give me? I am a bit lonely, but definitely better than I used to be. That is I mean to say that I am handling it better than before, thanks to God. I throw these questions out there, not that i expect anyone to answer them, but just to ask. I do this to kind of sort things out in my head. I need to pray about it and ask God to help me get through it, and if there is anything I need to understand about why I am going through it.

Why is it that God rescues us again and again, but we still question things? Why do we not just say ok God is going to rescue me from this one, so no worries? I suppose in my case it is because I am still a "young" christian. I know I must grow and mature alot in my walk with Jesus, and I look forward to every step, no matter how hard. You know I used to believe that as a believer I would sort of "plateau" one day. I would get to the point where there were no more struggles with sin and I would be on cruise control. Of course God slapped me around a bit (haha just kidding) and showed me that doesn't happen for ANYONE. So I guess my question in the first sentence of this paragraph is me just complaining and being a dork. Oh gee, look two things I'm really good at.

Ok. I think I'm done for now.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Well here I have gone through another day. I have about 50 dollars to my name. Honestly part of me is scared. I don't know where the money will come from to pay my bills. Work in the serving industry has been slow. I don't know where the money will come from, but I do know this: God is good and faithful. He will rescue me. I may not like the way I am rescued, but He will do it. I know that I will get a few bumps and bruises along the way and it will be completely uncomfortable. The truth is though, I will learn from it. I must continue to learn to put my eyes on Him and my faith in Him. People probably think I'm crazy. How can I know that this so-called God will come through for me? He's done it a million times before and I know He will do it again and again. Not only has He come through for me, but for countless others as well. Even if I didn't have all those other things to look at and remember, there is His word, the Bible. No matter what supposed evidence they have about evolution, the Bible has never been proven wrong. It has survived thousands of years. I for one will continue to put my trust in Him through the Bible. He promises in His word that He will never leave us or forsake us. He says He knows the plans He has for us, to prosper us not to harm us. I believe and I always will.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Why not myspace, but blogger?

Blogger "appears" to be less addicting. I say that b/c I won't be connected to anybody. I will just be using this to rant and rave and tell others how I feel about God. Maybe someone will see it, maybe not. If I feel it will become a problem, then I will delete this, too. I'm crazy I know. That is a part of my charm.